Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Boxing Day and Chill?

It’s Boxing Day in Melbourne
I awoke still full, and tired
I really should relax, and chill
But instead I’m feeling wired.

Half the house is at the cricket
The other half, still asleep
I think about what chores to do
Busy, I like to keep.

I could spend the day at home
No need for the grocery store
We’ve surely enough leftovers
To last a week, or more.

Shopping centres I'll avoid
All those Boxing Day promotions...
They can keep their discounts
All the crowds, and the commotion.  🙅

The house already had a clean
Everything’s been put away
Perhaps I should put up my feet
And enjoy this sunny day.

A comfy chair outside sounds nice
And a nap would suit me fine
But, if I’m still not relaxed...
There's always the leftover wine  🍾

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Tennis - My Sport

I think back to my childhood
And all the activities I tried
Calisthenics, tennis, Brownies
Till my parents said “Please decide”

“All of this is just too much
We know you think it’s fun
But, we really can’t keep this up  
So please, Kath, just choose one…”

The decision was quite easy
It took very little thought
I settled upon tennis
(My mum’s favourite sport).

I did have coaching for a while
‘Till I was ready to play
Then I began in Juniors
Early mornings, each Saturday.

Before long, I started Seniors
You’d think I would be stuffed
But I also played midweek, at night
I just couldn’t get enough!

It wasn’t just about the sport
Or matches to be won
We all enjoyed the social side
And sure had lots of fun.  🍺

A few of us played Sunday nights
An indoor comp, we had a ball
That’s where I met my husband
You could say we scored “love all”.  🎾 💑

(We do make a good doubles pair
But have different styles, you know
He has mastered slice and spin
While I slog it, flat and low).

Later, when my kids were little
And I was between jobs
I played some midweek ladies
And soon refined my lobs!

More recent attempts to have a hit
Have caused some consternation
My brain remembers, my muscles do not
The end result is much frustration.  😣

There are many cobwebs to dust off
Before I reignite the passion
But before I play, I’ll need new clothes
My old trackies are out of fashion!

Sunday, 3 December 2017

We're Out Of...

My child stares into the pantry
Then turns to me, with a pout
“Hey Mum, look at the (fill in the blanks)
It has pretty much run out”.

“Now what am I going to eat?
Why haven’t you bought more?
I thought you’d have picked some up
You’re forever at the grocery store.”

Hungry child, please have a seat
And listen closely to my story
In my head, there’s no magic list
No household invent-ory.

I really can’t keep track of
Everything that’s running low
So if you don’t communicate
Then how am I to know?

Better yet, you’ve got two legs
The store’s close - you know the way
So you can go get things yourself
(And, yes, I’ll be happy to pay).

Dear child, when things next run out
I won’t be blamed any more
Pretty soon you may find
You're forever at the grocery store!   😉

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Sunday, 19 November 2017

My Autopilot Brain

The human brain’s a lazy beast
In terms of work, it prefers the least
Given any chance, habits will form
Much less thinking - that’s the norm!

Take my drive to work each day
“How’d I get here?” I often say
I don’t remember turning right
What colour was that traffic light?

And the left turn, way back there
I hope I did that one with care
All those road signs - I paid no heed
Fingers crossed I didn’t speed.

You see, my brain takes a little break
As if the commute’s “a piece of cake”
Believing that there’s nothing to it
Means “autopilot” gets to do it.

Please brain, stay on for common tasks
It’s really not too much to ask
Driving demands more attention
So do other things I’d like to mention.

Stay switched on when I’m going out
So I’m not left to stress about
Whether I’ve locked the front door
Turned off the iron, oven, and more.

And, wherever I go, when I get there
Come on - show a bit more care
Lift your game, please, raise the bar
So I can recall if I’ve locked the car!

Dear brain, don’t worry or despair
Just work a bit harder, it’s only fair
For now though, I will call it a day
I've forgotten what else I was going to say!

Sunday, 5 November 2017

My Name

Kathryn is my given name
I save it for things formal
I really don’t mind it at all, and…
I’m glad the spelling’s not “normal”.

My parents were quite the rebels
It’s not a name from the family tree
They went for something different
Thought outside the box, for me.

My name of course get shortened
I just use “Kathy” for everyday
It serves me well for writing
For work, and also for play.

Then there’s “Kath” (I don’t mind)
Used mainly by family and friends
Us Aussies make names really short
So of course that’s not the end.

A few have gone the extra mile
And referred to me as “Kat”
I smiled and did not complain
Though I’m not too sure about that.


I recall a saying my Dad often used
It may be old, yet it’s a winner
"You can call me anything you like,
Just don't call me late for dinner!"

Monday, 23 October 2017

The Write Time

Getting in the “writing zone”
Can sometimes be quite tricky
Social media, texts, emails...
Distractions sure mount quickly!

I must put aside the looming chores
And pretend they don’t exist
Flick over pages on the notepad
To avoid the "To-Do" list…

I need a space that’s perfect
Not too noisy, not too quiet
I need the right amount of light
And some snacks that fit the diet 🍎

Bottomless coffee is a must
(Or wine -  yes, I’ll have some!)
If conditions are just right
Then, maybe, the words will come

But… there’s another distraction
Which stops me writing more
A certain little "helper"
Who's just too cute to ignore 🐶

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Feeling the Cold

I should be used to winter
But it’s becoming clear
That, somehow, I feel the cold
More each passing year.

I rug up like an Eskimo
Have the heaters set to high
My kids sweat and peel off clothes
“It’s far too hot!” they cry.

Well, it’s alright for my young
I know they’re all naysayers
Laughing, they say “Really Mum?
You’re wearing how many layers?”

These kids, they do not get it
They just can’t understand
So I say (like my dear granny)
“Come here and feel my hands”.

Cold hands mean a warm heart
So my heart must be ablaze!  🔥
The chill in these extremities
Never ceases to amaze.

Sadly, fingers white and icy  ❄️
Are an all too common blight
My poor husband jumps a mile
When I cuddle up at night.  

And, speaking of bedtime,
Oh - how unsexy I do get!
Thick blankets, woolly socks  
And PJs of flannelette.

I hanker for the winter’s end
For I do like spring a lot
I like the sunshine and the warmth
I just hope it's not too hot...

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Changing Tastes Part 2: Food

I browse around the grocery store
There’s cake, lollies, cookies and more
I look at the treats, so artfully arranged
And think of how my tastes have changed.

Chocolate’s a good place to start  🍫
(A subject quite close to my heart)
These days it’s dark choc that I favour
Milk? White? Too sweet their flavour! 

I once loved a slice of cake  🍰
Now, most times, I don’t partake
Donuts, profiteroles, eclairs
For them, I really have no care.

Fruit juice, soft drink – not for me
Nor is ice cream (how can that be?)
With all those changes it must appear
There’s nothing left to bring me cheer.

Past the dessert bar I’ll keep walking
But antipasto? Now we’re talking!
Savoury snacks? Oh, yes please!
And I’ll have some of that yummy cheese. 🧀

While I enjoy all those savoury tastes
They’re probably no better for my waist!
All those sweets - you can have
But I might be tempted by some pav...

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Changing Tastes Part 1: Booze

My body has changed as I’ve aged
But that’s OK - I’m not enraged
Something that I never knew
Was that my tastebuds would change too.

I browse around the liquor store
And see wine, beer, spirits, and more
All those drinks, so artfully arranged
But, oh, how my tastes have changed!

I once thought wine sweet and fruity
Was a thing of endless beauty
But now I’d rather end my day
With a nice cab sav🍷 or chardonnay. 

I decline spirits, mixed and pure
I’d much prefer a smooth liqueur
I’ve cut back on beer, coz I can tell
All that gas makes my tummy swell…

With all those changes, you may think
There’s not much left for me to drink
Baileys? Kahlua? Make mine a double!
And I never say "no" to some (dry) bubbles 🍾

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Proud Ned Stark

A Game of Thrones limerick

There was a noble Stark named Ned  
King Joffrey said “Off with his head!”  
Joffrey’s mum Cersei  
Advised some mercy   
But sadly proud Ned wound up dead  😢     

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Sick Day?

(A true story!)

Called in sick – no work today 🤒
A single word I can barely say
A headache and no energy
I really hate this lethargy.

“You’ve got a virus”  the GP said.
“Go home and go back to bed
Lots of water you will need
Rest your voice – do take heed.”

Now I’m here, home alone
No errands to run, no ringing phone
I should nap for an hour or two
But…there are so many things to do.

It’ll only take a little while
To deal with all the paper piles
I really will feel much better
When I’ve dealt with every bill & letter.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

A Tale of Thinning Hair

I’ve never fussed much with my hair
My style is generally “wash and wear”
I keep it short – there’s little to do
Fancy styling? I have no clue!

Curlers? Straighteners? Not for me
I’m really lazy and carefree
Until now my only whinge
Has been my pesky, curly fringe.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

My Little Boy: A Pee Story

Once toilet-trained, my little boy
Made the most of being “free”
Inside, outside, far and wide
Oh, the places he did pee!

My little boy “watered” our lemon tree
In a bid to make it grow
I’ll admit that’s really not so bad
But it was just the start, you know.

My little boy peed from atop our slide
Oh, he laughed with such delight
As his “waterfall” splashed side to side
And his sisters ran screaming, in fright.

Sunday, 23 July 2017


Welcome to my blog!

And thank you for your time!

I hope that you enjoy

Each and every rhyme.

This Blog is on the Move

Hi everyone. Exciting times ahead - I am creating a website and moving this blog across. Once it's all up & running, you can find ...