Tuesday, 25 July 2017

My Little Boy: A Pee Story

Once toilet-trained, my little boy
Made the most of being “free”
Inside, outside, far and wide
Oh, the places he did pee!

My little boy “watered” our lemon tree
In a bid to make it grow
I’ll admit that’s really not so bad
But it was just the start, you know.

My little boy peed from atop our slide
Oh, he laughed with such delight
As his “waterfall” splashed side to side
And his sisters ran screaming, in fright.

Sunday, 23 July 2017


Welcome to my blog!

And thank you for your time!

I hope that you enjoy

Each and every rhyme.

This Blog is on the Move

Hi everyone. Exciting times ahead - I am creating a website and moving this blog across. Once it's all up & running, you can find ...