Sunday, 24 September 2017

Changing Tastes Part 2: Food

I browse around the grocery store
There’s cake, lollies, cookies and more
I look at the treats, so artfully arranged
And think of how my tastes have changed.

Chocolate’s a good place to start  🍫
(A subject quite close to my heart)
These days it’s dark choc that I favour
Milk? White? Too sweet their flavour! 

I once loved a slice of cake  🍰
Now, most times, I don’t partake
Donuts, profiteroles, eclairs
For them, I really have no care.

Fruit juice, soft drink – not for me
Nor is ice cream (how can that be?)
With all those changes it must appear
There’s nothing left to bring me cheer.

Past the dessert bar I’ll keep walking
But antipasto? Now we’re talking!
Savoury snacks? Oh, yes please!
And I’ll have some of that yummy cheese. 🧀

While I enjoy all those savoury tastes
They’re probably no better for my waist!
All those sweets - you can have
But I might be tempted by some pav...

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Changing Tastes Part 1: Booze

My body has changed as I’ve aged
But that’s OK - I’m not enraged
Something that I never knew
Was that my tastebuds would change too.

I browse around the liquor store
And see wine, beer, spirits, and more
All those drinks, so artfully arranged
But, oh, how my tastes have changed!

I once thought wine sweet and fruity
Was a thing of endless beauty
But now I’d rather end my day
With a nice cab sav🍷 or chardonnay. 

I decline spirits, mixed and pure
I’d much prefer a smooth liqueur
I’ve cut back on beer, coz I can tell
All that gas makes my tummy swell…

With all those changes, you may think
There’s not much left for me to drink
Baileys? Kahlua? Make mine a double!
And I never say "no" to some (dry) bubbles 🍾

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Proud Ned Stark

A Game of Thrones limerick

There was a noble Stark named Ned  
King Joffrey said “Off with his head!”  
Joffrey’s mum Cersei  
Advised some mercy   
But sadly proud Ned wound up dead  😢     

This Blog is on the Move

Hi everyone. Exciting times ahead - I am creating a website and moving this blog across. Once it's all up & running, you can find ...