Monday, 23 October 2017

The Write Time

Getting in the “writing zone”
Can sometimes be quite tricky
Social media, texts, emails...
Distractions sure mount quickly!

I must put aside the looming chores
And pretend they don’t exist
Flick over pages on the notepad
To avoid the "To-Do" list…

I need a space that’s perfect
Not too noisy, not too quiet
I need the right amount of light
And some snacks that fit the diet 🍎

Bottomless coffee is a must
(Or wine -  yes, I’ll have some!)
If conditions are just right
Then, maybe, the words will come

But… there’s another distraction
Which stops me writing more
A certain little "helper"
Who's just too cute to ignore 🐶

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Feeling the Cold

I should be used to winter
But it’s becoming clear
That, somehow, I feel the cold
More each passing year.

I rug up like an Eskimo
Have the heaters set to high
My kids sweat and peel off clothes
“It’s far too hot!” they cry.

Well, it’s alright for my young
I know they’re all naysayers
Laughing, they say “Really Mum?
You’re wearing how many layers?”

These kids, they do not get it
They just can’t understand
So I say (like my dear granny)
“Come here and feel my hands”.

Cold hands mean a warm heart
So my heart must be ablaze!  🔥
The chill in these extremities
Never ceases to amaze.

Sadly, fingers white and icy  ❄️
Are an all too common blight
My poor husband jumps a mile
When I cuddle up at night.  

And, speaking of bedtime,
Oh - how unsexy I do get!
Thick blankets, woolly socks  
And PJs of flannelette.

I hanker for the winter’s end
For I do like spring a lot
I like the sunshine and the warmth
I just hope it's not too hot...

This Blog is on the Move

Hi everyone. Exciting times ahead - I am creating a website and moving this blog across. Once it's all up & running, you can find ...