Thursday, 26 April 2018

Packing Light?

We were packing for a trip
And needed to save space
My hubby and I decided
That we would share a case…

I’m not known for packing light
I do pack lots of stuff!
But, I like to be prepared…
Too much is never “enough”.

So, my hubby had a question
After he surveyed our case
“Is that all you’re taking?!” 
With a shocked look on his face 😮

I had a quiet chuckle then
But didn’t tell him why…
You see, I left all that space
For the “stuff” I planned to buy 😉

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Daylight Savings, I Miss You!

Honestly, I was really sad
Left quite broken hearted
Why? Daylight Savings ended
Just as my holiday started…

On the “wish list” for my break
Was to sleep in every morn
Instead, I’m wide awake by six
And spend all day with a yawn!   😴

Let’s not forget the evening
Again, it’s not that great…
When it’s only half past four
It feels like half past eight!

There is one consolation…
One less reason to be surly
We can start “after dark drinks”
With gusto, an hour early.   🍺

This Blog is on the Move

Hi everyone. Exciting times ahead - I am creating a website and moving this blog across. Once it's all up & running, you can find ...